It has been a while since I have posted. Don't worry I have good reasons. One, I am a stay at home mom, that should be enough said. Two, I am a part time student with three tough classes. Three, if I just sat around and blogged all day my husband would probably leave me.
Anyway, things have been really crazy in this house the last few weeks. Where do I even begin?
Classes are getting into the nitty gritty and I am starting to have exams every couple of weeks. I am doing much better in math than I did in high school. Maybe because I actually have to pay for my schooling??? Speech is still nerve racking. I am a pretty outgoing person but tell me to give a speech in class and I want to run away. History is my favorite. It should be seeing as that is what my major is. So overall I am doing pretty well in my classes.
Paul is working a lot right now. His students are doing multi-engine training so the flights are much longer. But that is a good thing because the more time he builds the sooner we get out of Bakersfield.
Speaking of leaving Bakersfield, we might be moving up to Tehachapi. It is about 45 minutes away and would be a crappy commute but unfortunately Audrey's health is not doing so well in USA's number two city for smog(LA's number 1). She has been really fussy for about a month and I decided it wasn't just terrible twos and took her to her pediatrician. It turns out she has severe allergies. Basically she is allergic to Bakersfield. She has about 90-100% hearing loss in one ear and 50% in the other. Don't freak out she WILL get her hearing back it's just from the liquid that is building up due to allergies. We have an appointment again with her ear,nose, and throat doctor next friday. I am guessing we will have to have her adenoids removed. Last year it was putting tubes in.So we finally came to the conclusion that we might have to bite the bullet and move up there for the rest of our time at IFTA. We will see what happens...
My poor girl is trying to be tough through this though. She is so amazing and still makes me laugh so much throughout the day. She is all about asking questions on everything. How does the dishwasher work? What are you doing? Can I feed my baby like you feed Peyton? (That was a great one)
On a positive noted, Peyton is the healthiest baby in the world. This chubbster is already 16 lbs 1 oz and 26 inches long. Yes she is only 4 months and weighs more than some 8 month old babies. She is onto solids by the doctors recommendation and she is loving them! Don't worry she isn't going to be obese she is just a healthy baby. She loves being in her bouncer and goes wild jumping around. She is rolling from front to back and is really close to rolling back to front. She is all giggles and smiles. Paul and I call her our smiley cyrus. She adores her big sister and watches her every move.
Paul and I celebrated our 2nd anniversay on Tuesday. Well not really celebrated seeing as he worked from 7-5 and then I left at 5:30 to go to my history exam but we will be celebrating this weekend. A friend of ours has a beach cottage in Cambria so we are renting it this friday and saturday. It will be nice to get away with the girls and have some r&r.
And I am off to work on my never ending pile of homework. Ahh life as a mom, wife and student...